Game Mode

Switching to Game Mode for Gaming

To optimize system performance for online gaming, ZoneAlarm gives the option to temporarily suspend security alerts, virus definition updates, and automatic scans.

Note - Game Mode settings do not override Block or Allow settings in your Programs List. If you configured your ZoneAlarm software to always block a specific program, it continues to block that program even if you activate Game Mode with the Allow setting.

To turn on the Game Mode:

  1. Open the Game Mode dialog window in one of these ways:
    • From the Tools menu on the main menu toolbar, select Game Mode
    • In the system tray, right-click on the ZoneAlarm icon and select Game Mode
  2. Select one of these automatic responses to program alerts:
    • Automatic Deny - to automatically deny permissions to all programs that request them
    • Automatic Allow - to automatically grant permissions to all programs that request them
  3. Click Start Game Mode.
    Note - Keep the Game Mode window open. If you close the window, the Game Mode turns off.

To turn off the Game Mode:

In the Game Mode window, click Stop Game Mode.

Note - The Game Mode also stops if ZoneAlarm is turned off or if the computer is shut down.
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